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SGPE Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Psychiatrische Epidemiologie
SSEP Société Suisse d’Epidémiologie Psychiatrique
SSEP Società Svizzera di Epidemiologia Psichiatrica
SSPE Swiss Society of Psychiatric Epidemiology
How to join us?
If you want to become a member of the Swiss Society of Psychiatric Epidemiology, we kindly ask you to print, fill-in and send the form and respective attachments (short CV) by e-mail to the address provided on the form.
The current annual membership fee is CHF 50.
Following the bylaws of the Swiss Society of Psychiatric Epidemiology, the Board will decide on the acceptability of the application and the applicant will be informed accordingly.
Membership Application: please click here to fill out the application form, save it as a .pdf with your name indicated, then send your form and your short CV by e-mail to
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